As in past 6 years, we represented Gavish at SEMICON Taiwan 2023 with over 950 multinational and local exhibitors from 10 countries and more than 60,000 visitors.
The event showcases the promising prospects of Taiwan’s semiconductor sectors, and is considered one of the largest ever Semicon shows.
This year, we were accompanied by Joseph Sragowicz, Gavish CEO who promoted Gavish key strengths of one stop shop offering reliable machined customized sapphire parts.
亞蒙國際顧問公司連續第七年代表 Gavish 參與臺灣國際半導體大展,共計超過 950 間來自十個國家廠商共襄盛舉。此展覽旨於展現台灣半導體產業前景,今年觀展人數突破 6 萬人次,為歷年最盛大的一次,。今年度,本公司偕同 Gavish 執行長 Joseph Sragowicz 一同參與,推廣Gavish一站式服務,提供值得信賴的客製化藍寶石產品。

Gavish CEO Joseph Sragowicz with Liran during SEMICON

Our members discussing with guests at our booth

Liran introduces Gavish products