Facing chronic water scarcity, Israel has invested heavily in cloud seeding, reclamation and reuse of wastewater, and seawater desalination to enlarge the supply capability. In addition, Israel has also pursued a wide range of demand management policies.
How can Taiwan learn from Israel’s water policies and consider water resources management from a national strategic level?
Join the dialogue with Dr. Hong-Yuan Lee, Former Minister of Minister of the Ministry of the Interior (MOI), Dr. David Katz, Senior Lecturer of Department of Geography and Environmental Studies of University of Haifa, and Mr. CY Huang (moderator), President of FCC Partners Inc. to learn Challenges and Solutions to Israeli and Taiwan’s Water Scarcity Crises.
Webinar Date and Time: 2pm-3pm Taiwan Time / 9am-10am Israel Time, July 8th, 2021
Register to the webinar here.